Vicenza: Cooking classesCooking classesTest kitchen experienceHosted by GhostPadua€200 per guestPrivate ExperienceCooking classesTest kitchen classHosted by GhostPadua€129 per guestPrivate ExperienceCooking classesLearn how to cook pasta and beansHosted by GhostPadua€145 per guestShared Experience
Vicenza: Cooking classesCooking classesTest kitchen experienceHosted by GhostPadua€200 per guestPrivate ExperienceCooking classesTest kitchen classHosted by GhostPadua€129 per guestPrivate ExperienceCooking classesLearn how to cook pasta and beansHosted by GhostPadua€145 per guestShared Experience
FAQWhat are the best cooking classes in Vicenza?The best cooking classes in Vicenza are:Test kitchen experienceTest kitchen classLearn how to cook pasta and beansView all
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